KU-WEE Hub represented in Global Mayors Forum and 6th Guangzhou Award

HE Muthomi Njuki, Dr. Christine Njuguna and Global Mayors in a group Photograph

KU-WEE Hub’s project, Enhancing Women Livelihoods and Labor Force Participation through the Creche Project, in Tharaka Nithi County”, was among the best 15 intitatives presented during the just concluded Global Mayors Forum and 6th Guangzhou Award, held in China. Also is the Governors presentation that he shared in the Sub Forum on ” Urban Social Safety Nets and Community Governance.”

Following the submission by Dr. Christine Wambui Njuguna [KU WEE HUB] and Mr. Samuel Muigai Muiruri [Director ICT- Tharaka Nihti County]} to the Guangzhou Award Call for Proposals, the initiative, which is a partnership with the Tharaka Nithi County Government, was recognised under “Deserving Cities” as one of the 45 exemplary initiatives of the 6th Guangzhou Award.  274 initiatives were submitted from 193 Cities and Regions across 54 Countries.

Tharaka Nithi Governor, H.E Onesmus Muthomi Njuki, Mr, Samuel Muigai and Dr. Njuguna were accorded an opportunity to attend the 6th Guangzhou Award Ceremony and Global Mayors Forum from 7th to 9th December 2023.

This forum enabled us to showcase what KU WEE Hub in collaboration with Tharaka Nithi County is doing with regards to the Care Economy in Kenya.

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