Effect of Apprenticeship, Internship and Mentorship Programs on Employment of Young Women in Kenya
Over the years, Kenyan employers have raised concerns on work relevance of the skills possessed by young men and women joining the job market. Data in Kenya shows that women are the most affected in this regard where female participation in the job market is 29.5% compared to their male counterparts at 36%. Apprenticeship, Internship
Impact of Life Long Learning on Performance of Women- owned Small and Medium Enterprises: The Case of Kenya Women Microfinance Bank (KWFT)
This study examines the effects of a loan program with a lifelong learning component offered by the KWFT on women-owned small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Kenya. The study also highlights the importance of tailoring and strengthening lifelong learning programs to effectively empower women entrepreneurs in Kenya. Many programs exist to empower women entrepreneurs, but