- February 7, 2024
- Posted by: Dream_liner
- Categories: Blog, Policy Engagement, Weehub News
Kenyatta University is implementing a six-year project on ” Initiative for What Works to improve Women Economic Empowerment in Kenya (IWWWEE. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (B&GMF)-funded initiative aims to create a body of knowledge that can be used to shape policies, programmes, interventions, and advocacy efforts that promote women’s economic empowerment (WEE) in Kenya. The project’s rationale is to alleviate Kenya’s weak nexus between WEE policies, programmes, and gender data. The initiative is being implemented in partnership with Tharaka Nithi County, Kenya National Bureau of Statistics (KNBS), the Institute of Economic Affairs-Kenya (IEA-Kenya), Yale University, Busara Behavioural Economics Centre, the Ministry of Gender, Culture, The Arts and Heritage, Ministry of Public Service.
The KU-WEE Hub is conducting thirteen analytical studies using a mixed-methods approach, involving the collection of quantitative and qualitative data and a Randomized Control Trial (RCT). The program also builds capacities of KU researchers and stakeholders in various research tools such as the construction of WEE indicators, feminist research methodologies, RCTs and program evaluation techniques. The hub brings evidence to policymakers and vigorously advocate for its use through stakeholder engagements, such as political dialogues with policy-makers, citizens, civil society and non-governmental organizations. The research assessment studies are divided into three thematic areas: (i) women’s roles in the public and private sectors; (ii) skilling and mentoring; and (iii) violence, crises and women’s work.
The KU-WEE Hub will host an International Conference from 24th -26th July, 2024 at the Kenyatta University Conference Center (KUCC) at Kenyatta University. The broad theme of the conference is “Initiatives for What Works to Advance Women’s Economic Empowerment”. The purpose of the Conference is to disseminate evidence so far generated by the Project as well as to expand networks, increase visibility and outreach. In that regard, the conference seeks to bring together researchers, scholars, networking groups and partners, stakeholders including policy-makers and policy implementers to share knowledge and experiences pertaining to the broad theme of the conference.
The objectives of the conference are:
- To share experiences and learn lessons on the Initiatives for What Works to Advance Women’s Economic Empowerment.
- To network and collaborate through partnerships that will enhance the development of policies for increased women’s economic empowerment across Africa;
- To identify knowledge gaps that could be explored during future research, training and programming.
The conference will adopt a hybrid model that will be conducted through a virtual and face-to-face platform to ensure wide participation. The conference will have a three-day program of events, which will include several modes of presentations: plenary sessions with keynote speakers, thematic parallel sessions, panel discussions and poster displays and Exhibitions.
The deliberations of the conference will revolve around the following sub-themes:
- Education and Skill Development for Women’s Economic Empowerment
- Entrepreneurship and Business Development for WEE
- Health, Well-being and WEE
- Role of Technology and Innovation to WEE
- Legal and Policy Advocacy for WEE
- Language, Culture and Social Norms’ Effects on WEE
- Environment, climate Change, Sustainable Development and WEE
- Care Work and its Effects on WEE
The official language of the conference is English.
Participants are invited to submit abstracts on any of the above subthemes. Abstracts should be up to a maximum of 250 words excluding the title, names of author(s), institutional affiliation, contact information (email and telephone), and up to 5 key words. The submission should be made online at: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1lCLM9WfhOpysv_g_CO6L80v0wZJmtXDPU1agACQAQr0/edit?pli=1
For enquiries: kuweehubconference2024@ku.ac.ke
Tel: (+) 254 20 870 3840
The Scientific Committee will review the abstracts and notify participants of acceptance.
Important Timelines
Deadline for Abstract Submission | 15th April, 2024 |
Last Day for notification of abstract acceptance | 30th April, 2024 |
Submission of Papers/PowerPoint presentations | 17th June, 2024 |
Papers presented at the conference will be selected and published in the Kenyatta University Women’s Economic Empowerment (KU-WEE) Journal.
Conference Registration
Conference registration will be pegged on payment of Conference fee. The applicable fees will be as follows;
Registration Fees Categories | KSHS | USD |
International participants -early bird | 19,200 | 120 |
International participants – late registration | 24,000 | 150 |
East African participants early bird | 8,000 | 50 |
East African participants – late registration | 10,500 | 70 |
Kenyatta University students early bird | 1,600 | 10 |
Kenyatta University students late registration | 2,400 | 15 |
Other students early birds | 4,000 | 25 |
Other students late registration | 5,000 | 31.3 |
*Student refers to those enrolled in an M.A or Ph.D programme. Proof of current student status at the university will be required.
*Participants should meet all bank charges associated with international funds transfer.
*Exchange rate: 1USD = KES 160
Mode of Payment:
This will be communicated at the time of giving feedback on the abstract.
Important note:
Transport, accommodation, health insurance and personal expenses are not catered for and should be organized by the participants who are attending the conference physically.
Possible Accommodation venues
- Kenyatta University Conference Centre
- Ruiru Rainbow Resort
- Safari Park Hotel
- St Lukes Hotel
- Sports view Hotel
- La Mada Hotel
- Utalii Hotel
The Technical Committee organizing the Conference is ready to organize excursions on need basis to be financed by the participants. The possible excursion sites include but not limited to:
- Animal orphanage
- Museums of Kenya
- Giraffe Centre
- Ndaka-ini dam and Chania falls
- Rift Valley View Point.