Women’s Livelihoods in Tharaka Nithi County, Kenya

This is a descriptive report based on data from the full household survey conducted in Tharaka Nithi County in May-June 2022. The study examines women’s livelihoods, psychosocial wellbeing, childcare duties, and labour force participation. This is a sequel to the project’s year-two report prepared in September 2021 on the basis of a pilot survey conducted in the same County.

Key Findings:

  • Crop farming is the dominant activity, followed by animal keeping, casual labor, and small businesses.
  • Agriculture and casual labor provide low income despite demanding significant time.
  • Businesses and formal employment offer better income but are less accessible due to low education.
  • Unpaid domestic work and childcare consume a large portion of women’s time.
  • Most women lack post-primary education, limiting their employment options.

Policy Loopholes and Issues:

  • Lack of investment in women’s education limits their economic participation.
  • Limited access to financing hinders women’s business growth in agriculture and other sectors.
  • Absence of childcare support restricts women’s ability to engage in market activities.

Recommendations for Policymakers:

  • Allocate resources to expand post-primary education opportunities for women.
  • Design a microfinance program specifically targeting women entrepreneurs in agriculture and small businesses.
  • Develop a childcare support system, such as daycare centers, to address childcare burdens.

Read Full Report

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